aPARA YPAR@`ÿÿÿÿÿÿáTEXT`ÓBelmont, Alva Ertskin Smith Vanderbilt 1853Ð1933 socialite, social reformer and architect Born in Mobile, Alabama, on January 17, 1853, Alva Smith grew up there and, after the Civil War, in France. She married William K. Vanderbilt, grandson of Cornelius, in April 1875. Although the Vanderbilts were among the very richest people in the world, they were excluded from the ÒFour Hundred,Ó the cream of New York society, by the arbiters of such matters, Mrs. William B. Astor and Ward McAllister. Vanderbilt undertook an aggressive plan to break in. Richard M. Hunt was commissioned to build a $3 million mansion on Fifth Avenue, a gesture which ended McAllisterÕs resistance; then, in 1883, plans were made for an Olympian masquerade ball for 1200 persons, by far the most opulent entertainment yet seen by New York. At the last moment Astor capitulated, calling on Vanderbilt in order to secure an invitation for young Caroline Astor. As a final touch Vanderbilt had Hunt build a palaceÑostentatiously referred to as a ÒcottageÓÑat Newport, Rhode Island, that, with its furnishings, cost $9 million on completion in 1892. In 1895 Vanderbilt divorced her husband and, a year later, after arranging the marriage of her daughter Consuelo to the Duke of Marlborough, she married Oliver Hazard Perry Belmont in January 1896. After Belmont died in 1908 she became deeply interested in the cause of womenÕs rights. She brought the English suffragette Christabel Pankhurst to the United States in 1914 for a speaking tour and opened her houses and her purse to Alice Paul and the militant feminists. With Elsa Maxwell she wrote Melinda and Her Sisters, a suffragist operetta, and staged it at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in 1916. In 1921 she was elected president of the National WomanÕs party, a post she held for the rest of her life, and she was the founder of the Political Equality League. She is credited with offering the advice ÒPray to God. She will help you.Ó In her later years she became a noted architectural designer and was one of the first women ever elected to the American Institute of Architects. Belmont spent much of her time in her last years in France, where she owned several residences. She died in Paris on January 26, 1933. &styl`!5ª'5ª15ª[!Iž!IÞ¬!I2 5ª3!I!IÞ'!IJ!IÞV!Ia!Ix!I>link`HYPRž¬HYPR'HYPRJV